Pricsilla Nyaiga

My name is Priscilla Rambo Nyaiga, and I am a proud member of the Global Health Innovation Foundation Kenya. My journey here was not by chance, but a burning passion to support HIV positive clients and help them navigate their challenges. My inspiration stems from my personal victory over PMTCT, having successfully raised three HIV-negative children within the program. The o壯陽藥 rganization has been a pillar of support, not only for the clients we serve but also for us, the staff. We’ve made strides in enhancing our service delivery, from defaulter tracing to timely client tracking and result delivery. This has significantly reduced missed appointments, defaulters, and instances of infants contracting HIV. One of my most profound experiences involved a client who had defaulted from treatment for months. She had developed opportunistic infections and was in dire need of care. With the resources and support from Global Health Innovations, I managed to follow up on her, reintroduce her to the care she desperately needed, and put her on treatment. Today, she has recovered, and her baby was discharged after 18 months, testing HIV negative. These experiences fuel my motivation to continue working with the Global Health Innovation Foundation Kenya. Seeing the appreciation in our clients’ eyes as they receive the support they need and knowing that we are making a tangible difference in their lives is incredibly fulfilling. The organization’s unwavering commitment to our welfare as staff members further strengthens my resolve to keep pushing forward. Together, we are making a difference, one life at a time.